Evo with swing arm frame. The vehicle is in very good condition. It is a complete uncle spec, but with a little customization it would be a cool vehicle. Full customization would be great, of course.
エンジンオーバーホール済み、KZ1000LTD. ノーマルパーツもあります。SAMSのプロジェクトバイクと思ってキープしていますが、興味のある方はお気軽にお問い合わせください。ノーマルスイングアームにして車高上げて、メガフォンのマフラーつけて走りに振ったらいい感じかなぁ、、なんて思います。色褪せた純正ペイントもいい感ですね。
Engine overhauled, KZ1000LTD. Stock parts are available, I’m keeping it as a project bike for SAMS, but if you are interested, please feel free to contact me. I think it would be nice if I raised the ride height with a normal swing arm and put a megaphone muffler on it to make it run better. The faded factory paint is also a nice touch.
V111搭載、FXR. お客様からお声かかっていますが、FOR SALEです。アメリカからの車両なので、色々と手直し必要ですが良いバイクです。足回り等も良い部品でグレードアップしてあります。
V111 equipped, FXR. We have been approached by a customer, but it is FOR SALE. It is from the U.S.A. and needs a lot of work, but it is a nice bike. The suspension and other parts have been upgraded with good parts.
1993年、FXRP. 輸入後、足回りや配線、発電系など、ほぼほぼ手を入れたお金のかかっている車両です。RPはカウル付きが巷では人気なようですが、スクリーンタイプが渋くて私は好きです。RPはアメリカでも値段が高騰しています、気になる方はお早めにどうぞ。
1993, FXRP. This is a very expensive car that has been almost completely reworked after importation, including suspension, wiring, power system, etc. The RP with a cowl seems to be popular in the market, but I like the screen type because of its austere appearance.
だんだんと暖かくなってきてバイクの問い合わせが増えてきました。ハーレー購入お考えの方、何か気になる車両があれば是非お気軽にお問い合わせください。円安や物価高の影響もあり、手軽に買える品物ではありませんが、乗ったらわかる充実感、開放感、トルクフルな走りでどハマりすること間違いなしですよ! お問い合わせ、ご来店お待ちしております。
The weather is getting warmer and the number of motorcycle inquiries is increasing. If you are thinking about purchasing a Harley, please feel free to contact us if you are interested in any of our motorcycles. Due to the depreciation of the yen and the high cost of living, they are not easy to buy, but once you ride one, you will surely be hooked by the sense of fulfillment, openness, and torquey ride! We look forward to your inquiries and visits.
Since some English-speaking people seem to be watching this blog, I translated it at DeepL and put it up as it is. Please forgive me if the English is sometimes a little strange.