Thank you very much for your mail order from all over Japan, from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. We will be restocking the missing colors of Biker Shade, which we have received many inquiries about, around the middle of next month. The red lens will be newly added to our lineup this time. The color is a nice pale red or pinkish color, sexy and highly recommended 😀.
We are also working on a new hat in a different fabric. We are now making them in a different fabric. Please look forward to it.
We offer free shipping for orders over 5,000 yen. We are also offering an extra novelty sticker, so we hope you will all give us a try.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
これからの季節に活躍するMX GLOVEも、サイズ色ともに欠品している分、只今製作中です。
MX GLOVE, which will be active in the coming season, is now in production as we are out of stock in all sizes and colors.
私の超お気に入り、MX BARもよく売れています。写真のようにFXRやダイナには勿論最高、チョッパーにも合いますよ。買ってくださっているセンスの良い方々、、、ありがとうございます😁
My super favorite, the MX BAR, is also selling well. It is of course great for FXR and Dyna as shown in the picture, and goes well with choppers as well. Thanks to all those who have the good sense to buy them 😁.
Spring is just around the corner, so feel free to contact us to purchase a Harley. In times like these, let’s have fun on a motorcycle!